Sorry guys, but there will be a lot of posts and pictures of Scotland now... But yeah BASICALLY WE WENT TO SCOTLAND WITH MY ECONOMICS CLASS ♥
The first days plan in just a few words:
- SHOPPING (shoppailua)
- EATING (syömistä)
- DANCING WITH SUPER HOT SCOTTISH GUYS (tanssimista super hyvännäkösten skotti jätkien kans)
Tosta nelos kohasta - mulla ei oo ollenkaan kuvia tästä hommasta, mutta me siis mentiin yhteen kouluun ja siellä olevien 17-vuotiaiden tyttöjen&poikien 'tanssiaisiin'. Ne opetti meille skottilaisii tanssei ja se oli aivan älyttömän hauskaa! Ehdottomasti parasta koko retkessä.
Ainut vaa, että mua nolotti se kuinka monet meistä oli pukeutunu vaa johonki random paitaan ja farkkuihin, ku kaikilla niillä oli niin kauniit mekot/hameet päällää ja jätkillä oli joillain jopa KILTIT!
Okay about the 4th part - don't have pictures of that but basically we went to this school which was full of 17-year-old girls and boys and they taught us to dance Scottish dances. It was super fun and they all were really chill.
They had been waiting for us and they had known about the thing for a long time. They were all looking really good and some of them were even wearing kilts! I felt a bit embarrassed when most of us came there with our jeans on.. Whoops.